Additional Information
Analyze | agrochem_extended, agrochem_sum, Determination of soil pH, Determination of the soil pH, Агрохимический анализ почвы для многолетних насаждений (виноградник, сады, ягодники), Анализ почвы на микроэлементы, Определение pH почвы, განსაზღვრა ნიადაგის მჟავიანობის (рН ), მიწის აგროქიმიური ანალიზი მრავალწლოვანი ნარგავების (ვაზი, ხეხილი…), Standard agrochemical soil analysis, Advanced agrochemical soil analysis, Analysis of trace elements in the soil, Agrochemical analysis of soil for perennial plants (vineyards, orchards, berries), Determination of the amount of absorbed bases and exchangeable sodium, Standard analysis of the plant (tissue diagnosis), Advanced analysis of the plant (tissue diagnosis), Phyto examination of soil, Determination of soil phytopathogenes, Determination of cyst nematodes in soil, Determination of water-physical characteristics of the soil, Determination of moisture reserves in the soil (without a particle size distribution of the soil), Determination of moisture reserves in the soil (if the soil particle size distribution) |